Pokémon Go: A New Game Adventure

Catching Pokémon will be more interactive than ever now that it can be installed on mobile phones.
Video game lovers and Pokémon fanatics are anticipating the Pokémon Go game release that is coming up in 2016 for Android and iOS mobile users.
The game will provide an experience between the real life world and the fantasy world. Game users will explore real life places in search of Pokémon that will pop up virtually on their phone screens. In other words, the game will work as an interactive GPS to guide players to different locations for missions while the game is simultaneously interacting with the players with characters. The main focus of the game is to get people to experience their community and play in
In other words, the game will work as an interactive GPS to guide players to different locations for missions while the game is simultaneously interacting with the players with characters.
The main focus of the game is to get people to experience their community and play in real lifetime with friends and other players nearby. It will allow players to focus on their surroundings, battles, exchange Pokémon and have a better experience in role playing.
According to Express. co.uk, the Pokémon Go experience will fi rst be released in Japan, North American and Europe. It will later go on to be released in other parts of the world like South America, Africa and the Middle East.
The video game company will include a Pokémon Go Plus device for players who might not want to look at their smart phones the whole way through. The Go Plus addition will connect to the phone via Bluetooth and inform the users using LED lights and vibrations.
Players can simply hold the Go Plus device in their hands or wrap it around their wrist. The Plus game device looks similar to a Pokémon ball and it works as a game controller that players can use by pressing buttons.
Famous YouTuber, Gameranx, comments that the Pokémon Go will be free for consumers and that it could be “in this day and age a complete blessing or a curse” when it comes to it being available for free worldwide. Game enthusiast, Chris T, says that “it is an interesting twist to the game series” and “will be fun to try and see.”
Once the game is released, it will be available on the app store and Google Play for downloads for everyone to experience. N4BB News, informs that Niantic, the game developers, have raised $5 million from investors.
With Pokémon Go, everyone has the opportunity to become a Pokémon trainer and master.
Let’s hope once the game is released that it will live up to all the hype and expectations, as it sounds like an awesome interactive game that groups of all ages can engage in.

Pamela Tavarez is a Staff Writer for The Hawkeye
Pamela Tavarez was born in North Bergen, New Jersey, Judy 29, 1995. Tavarez is a 2013 graduate from Newpoint...
Neil Westcott • Nov 28, 2016 at 5:58 pm
Well I’m definitely commenting in retrospect, but I think that people responded to Pokemon Go in a way that no one could have predicted. I never personally downloaded the app, but the restaurant where I work was a Pokemon gym, and it was really unbelievable to see how many people were playing that game. Even my managers would walk around the restaurant battling Pokemon to take over the gym. I am personally an old school Pokemon purist, so I’ll never move past the old Gameboy and N64 games, but it was interesting to read all the news stories about crimes and odd happenings related to the app. It was interesting to read your article now that the fad has come and gone, and I think you did a great job prefacing the phenomenon.