The Ringling Brothers last big bang

The cannon fired for the last time in Tampa for the “Greatest Show on Earth”.
The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus is making its final farewell this spring. The spectacular marvels were witnessed by Tampa children and adults alike, as the iconic tradition rolled into town one last time. The eight sold out performances in the bay area showed just how important the circus has been to past spectators.
Most of the key attractions boasted by the company as the “Greatest Show on Earth,” were in attendance. The tiger tamer from Chile, who celebrated his birthday Jan. 28, turned to the audience and introduced his mother who came to see his last performance. The sentimental entertainer shared his happiness and pride with his mother and audience as he talked about his success. He finished his act with all the tigers in front of him on their hind legs with their paws in the air. “I came here to see the tigers and the woman shot from the cannon!” Ana Valdez, a local Tampa resident exclaimed. “I loved every minute of it!”
The death-defying woman, who was shot out of a high-powered cannon, made her appearance as she has in the past. Trapeze artists, strongmen, bumbling clowns, walking poodles, extreme bikers, and the man who walks on the outside of the spinning circle 30ft in the air, all made their final Tampa appearances.
The Tampa community enjoyed the food sales of the circus atmosphere. Vendors walked up and down the aisles selling multiflavored snow cones, popcorn, and large bags of bright cotton candy. Carnival games and colorful mementos were found around the venues as well. The smiles on spectators’ faces as the crowd departed, displayed how stories of going to the famous circus will live on for more generations to come.
The reasons behind the closure of the 146-yearold American institution have started piling up over recent years. Animal welfare activist organizations have placed increased public pressure on companies like Ringling Bros. by claiming some animals received a less than adequate lifestyle. Very low ticket sales and high operating costs also factored into the closure. The public disappointment after seeing the world renowned elephants leave the famous circus did not seem to help matters as well.
Before the invention of smartphones, televisions and even the telephone, the circus was a top form of entertainment. The timespan of this magnificent event dates back to before the Great Depression.
The well-known seven Ringling Brothers hailed from Wisconsin. Five of them founded the now world famous company after seeing a small circus show in their local town when they were young. Taking that small idea and running with it, they began a show with juggling routines, comedy, weightlifting and acrobatics. As the brothers got older, they came to study and learn new trades and their show keep evolving and progressing form there. They traveled from town to town and generated huge name recognition.

Jared Kleinkopf is a Staff Writer for The Hawkeye
Jared Kleinkopf, 29, was born and raised in small town Iowa and has lived in Tampa for four...