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The student news site of Hillsborough Community College.

The Hawkeye

The student news site of Hillsborough Community College.

The Hawkeye

The student news site of Hillsborough Community College.

The Hawkeye

Leyva graduates UF with Honors.

Former Hawk’s med school dream takes flight

Liz Leyva, Hawkeye Alumni May 19, 2023

Five years ago I immigrated to America midway through my senior year of high school. I had only three months left to fulfill my graduation requirements, so my goal of receiving the diploma along with my...

The onslaught of COVID-19 has led to the closure of schools, stores and restaurants in an effort to contain the disease's spread.

Quaranteen romance

Yacob Reyes, Editor-in-Chief March 29, 2020

Outside, it’s warm and sunny. The wind rustles through the branches of palm trees, a sound that remains audible as cars stay parked in their driveways.  Inside a three-bedroom house in Carrollwood,...

Susana Matta, an unauthorized immigrant, has spent most of her life living in silence — bound shut by the fear of being deported. When the abuse began, Susana found herself torn between the realization of her worst fears and her need for justice.

Buried In Silence: How the other half lives

Yacob Reyes, Editor-in-Chief March 25, 2020

MIAMI — Juan was arrested today, Susana Matta wrote in her journal, shifting in her seat as though uncomfortable with sitting still. This is my worst nightmare and my most joyful dream clashing...

D'Amico and her family enjoying the outdoors.

HCC’s new speech teacher helps students find their voice

Jason Turner, Staff Writer November 4, 2019

Evie Simmons D'Amico feels blessed to be able to work in her hometown. D’Amico is a proud Plant City native who teaches speech at HCC. The majority of her classes are online, but her office is on the...

Micaela Alba instructs her class.

Micaela Alba shares her passion with HCC

Jason Turner, Staff Writer November 4, 2019

Some teachers truly love what they do. Micaela Alba, the newest member of the veterinary technology team, is one such teacher. Voicing her enthusiasm, Alba says, “I love HCC and am so glad to be part...

Susana Matta, an unauthorized immigrant, fears she will be deported. She has been living in the United States since she was 6 years old and is pursuing an education at HCC.

Buried In Silence: Chasing the American dream

Yacob Reyes, Editor-in-Chief October 28, 2019

Susana Matta has always been good at keeping secrets.  Since she was 6 years old, her parents told her the slightest slip of the tongue could lead to the end of their livelihood. So, she kept quiet. Her...

Lloyd Pidich Jr. casts a woeful stare as he waits for his next class to begin.

After the Friday night lights

Yacob Reyes, Editor-in-Chief September 28, 2019

Lloyd Pidich Jr.’s life has never been free from disappointment. An absentee father. A lifetime with social anxiety. The death of his great-grandfather and hero, Charles Caruso.  Hidden...

HCC student Albis Amayab (center) brought home the gold medal at the 2019 Special Olympics World Games. The team photo includes (left to rigth) Andrew Smiley, Trevor Powell, Phomar Williams, Albis Amaya, Jamel Winton, Jherran Whittaker and Shaun Ebanks.

HCC student brings home the gold

Emma Oliver, Hawkeye Staff May 6, 2019

Hillsborough Community College international student Albis Amaya, headed off to Abu Dhabi for Spring break to participate in the 2019 Special Olympics World Games. He took home a gold medal, after winning...

Angelas’s story from HCC to NSF

Angela Ousley April 18, 2019

I wasn’t sure about my career path before attending HCC, but building relationships with my professors and attending networking events outside of class helped me learn about different majors and...

HCC Grad, Hunter of LIMBS

HCC Grad, Hunter of LIMBS

Jason Turner, Hawkeye Staff November 5, 2018

What makes Jordan Hunter special? He is an HCC graduate and a guitarist for Tampa based post hardcore band LIMBS. When asked about other bands, Hunter says, “I grew up listening to a lot of Blink-182....

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