Collegiate 100: At risk doesn’t mean failure
Collegiate 100 is making a difference in the community by mentoring and collecting school supplies for students in Title 1 schools in Hillsborough County. Collegiate 100 also participated in the Hillsborough Education Foundations “Strides for Education 5K Walk/Run where they helped raise nearly half a million dollars for scholarships.
Their Martin Luther King service goal is to not only mentor students weekly, but also to provide at-risk students with essential tools for learning by donating and volunteering at the Teaching Tools store (a partnership program with the Hillsborough Education Foundation). The assignment for the day of service was sorting through and repackaging donations, stocking the store, and creating literacy tools for at-risk students. Collegiate 100 continues to host a school supply drive to donate to the Teaching Tools Store.
If you would like to donate, contact Ralph Waithe at 813-253-7636 or With the help of the community, we can help more students academically succeed.
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