The HAWK (Helping Achieve Wisdom and Knowledge) experience
Youth Leadership Mentoring and Hawk Media Club during day of service at the Chloe Coney Center.
The Project HAWK Experience (Helping Achieve Wisdom and Knowledge) was a unique partnership opportunity with the Youth Leadership Mentoring (YLM) students from the Corporation to Develop Communities (CDC). HCC Hawk Media Club and CDC YLM students worked together to create a then and now media package to help educate viewers on the Civil Rights movement in Florida and to encourage viewers to participate in volunteerism.
HCC and CDC students researched Florida news archives for relevant stories of Civil Rights struggles in Florida, interviewed local Civil Rights participants, created Audacity sound files, wrote research articles and created musical interpretations of the research.
Beginning in November, Hawk Media Club students worked with CDC YLM students at the CDC Center of East Tampa. YLM students shared their musical talents by teaching Hawk Media Club students how to use music recording equipment and how they verbalize their personal experiences through song. Hawk Media Club student shared their journalism research and both group together, selected the articles that would be remediated into music. The diverse group unified to create an inspirational Prezi multimedia presentation. The media presentation was shared on Saturday, January 18, 2014 at a MLK Day of Service at the Chloe Coney Urban Enterprise Center.
The Hawk Media Club and YLM students shared their work and experience to provide a “call to action” to encourage others to answer Dr. King’s call to volunteer. Additional calls to action and presentation are planned throughout the year.
Located in Hillsborough County’s Tampa communities, the Corporation to Develop Communities (CDC) is making a difference with communities and youth. In 1992, the East Tampa community was overrun with high rates of poverty, community problems and drug abuse. The founder, Chloe Coney, banded together with a group of concerned citizens and formed the CDC. The CDC has been providing community and economic development services to Tampa residents for over 20 years.
The CDC has many programs to help the community, but the youth leadership movement goes beyond by impacting Tampa’s next generation of community leaders. The program helps kids between the ages of 13 and 19, with a variety of programs and to help make sure each student graduates. All of the youth are taught they have the ability to be leaders, and the CDC is there to lead them in the right direction. The CDC sets goals for student achievement and helps the students plan their goals for success.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spent his life trying to bring Americans together as equals. His peaceful protesting style paved the way for civil rights to be weaved into the laws of the land. The CDC was an amazing place for the young people of the community to find creative outlets for their energy and keep them focused on school. Dr. King’s vision is apparent in the work completed at the center and in the dedicated staff of caring individuals. The Hawk Media Club was able to participate in the mentoring vision of the CDC and emulate Dr. King’s dream by learning and education members in our community.
The Hawk Media Club members worked with energetic students excited to work and give back to their families and community. The young students looked forward to their time at the community center after school and the staff makes sure the students can get to the community center safely. The community center also offers music production facilities, including a sound booth and audio mixing equipment where the students write lyrics, sing, and add beats to create a complete song. The CDC is advancing King’s goal by educating students and encouraging them to improve their community and themselves through active community participation.
By having a day off from school and work, MLK Day also provides us with an opportunity to strengthen community bonds with a day of service. As the only federal holiday nationally recognized as a day of service, we used our time at the center to serve those around us while learning from those we served. It was a win-win situation that was a moving experience.
Project HAWK was recognized as the first place winner in the day of service program for HCC students.
The complete presentation is available at