SGA Back To School Bash
The first SGA sponsored event of the fall took place on September 8-9, in the Ybor Plaza to welcome new and returning students back with a Back to School Bash. The two day event kicked off at 11 a.m., and was interrupted briefly by rain on the first day. In order for a student to be eligible to participate in most of the SGA sponsored events, like the Bash, and partake of all their festivities, they must get their Student ID cards verified. All a student has to do is visit the SGA office located in the Faculty building room 114. Once verified, a student is given all access to all SGA events for the year. Upon entering the Plaza, SGA members check your verified ID to give you a numbered wristband, which is used to limit the amount of food and gifts given to a student. A total of five stands were present, each giving away free customizable pillow cases, bracelets, street signs, or license plates. Clubs were also in attendance recruiting new members for the semester. At the SGA stand, students had the opportunity of select from two different styles of backpacks. As a student visits the stands ,a number is taken off the wristband and is then given up only allowing one visit per venue. The food consisted of corndogs, nachos, funnel cakes, Italian ices, and assorted drinks that helped beat the Florida heat.

Matthew Flanagan is Staff Writer of The Hawkeye
Matthew “Matt” Flanagan was born in Kansas City, Missouri on the date of February 22nd, 1984. Flanagan...
Alejandro Romero is the Editor-in-Chief of The Hawkeye
Alejandro “Alex” Romero, 20, is the Editor-in-Chief of The Hawkeye. Romero received his A.A....
Araneisha • Oct 19, 2015 at 6:10 pm
I’ve always wanted to participate in these events held in the courtyard. It always is way over packed although. The line to receive a wristband goes past the fitness center and I also heard wristbands are limited. I would love to participate because it is my last semester at HCC. Hopefully i get the chance.